Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ares Wargames 40k Tournament

So I went to a 40k tournament over at Ares Wargames Sunday, had a great time! It was 1750 points with custom maps. Though the turnout was small (we only had 5 folks show up, but it was the Sunday before Christmas) I think a good time was had by all. 

I played Space Marines, here's my list (individual point costs omitted):

Relic Blade

Command Squad
4 plasma guns

Bike Squad
2 bikers
2 meltaguns
sgt power fist

Tactical Squad (10)
sgt power fist

Tactical Squad (10)
Missile Launcher
sgt power fist

Scout Squad
Missile Launcher
5 Camo cloaks
Sniper Rifles

Assault Terminators (3TH/SS, 2 LC)

Land Raider Redeemer

Land Speeder - Multi-Melta & Heavy Flamer

Land Speeder Typhoon             


The bikes were able to count as troops because I had the captain on a bike, and the squad had 5 models.  Their job in objective games was to eliminate a scoring unit, then hide and boost to capture / contest a point on turn 5.  In kill points, their job was to scoot around and kill soft targets.  It didn't always work out that way, mostly through my sub-par leadership skills. 

The Land Raider and Assault Terminators - well, I don't really need to go into their job description in detail, right?  Drive up, get out, smash stuff. 

The "iffy" unit, obviously, was the plasma toting command squad.  This is just a unit type I've always like for some reason.  I wanted them to be heavy infantry / light armor killers.  They didn't do much for me..  Shot down a Reclusiarch in my first game and didn't die (immediately) to a CCW-less Dreadnought in my second game, giving the termies time to close the gap and finish the dread.  Will I try them again?  Yes, probably. 

Everything in my list was pretty basic.  I'll put up some shortened battle reports soon.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Blogging!  Never have so many had so much to say to so few.  This blog is intended to show my ongoing efforts in the realm of Warhammer 40k modeling and painting.  Anything else is a bonus, really.